
Random 'net finds OR things I've been too tired to share until now

Alter Bridge/The Pageant/St. Louis/10-16

Rock your face off with Anti-Mortem's New Southern

Random 'net finds OR Things I've been too lazy to write about

Mayfield Four Monday: Week Six

VIDEO and PICS: Slash ft. Myles Kennedy and the Conspirators/Voodoo KC

Girl in a song

Mayfield Four Monday: Week Five

Song I'm feeling right now: Alter Bridge/Metalingus

Mayfield Four Monday: Week Four

VIDEO concert review Scott Stapp/Gillioz Theatre/Springfield, MO

Mayfield Four Monday: Week Three

Kyng: dirty, West Coast rock

Mayfield Four Monday: Week Two

This week's 'net finds OR What I read/watch instead of doing housework