VIDEO concert review Scott Stapp/Gillioz Theatre/Springfield, MO

Check out my video review of the July 1, 2014 Scott Stapp show in Springfield, MO.

This is a fun one, because I can legitimately say I accidentally went to a Scott Stapp concert. And I enjoyed it! It's clear Stapp is a guy with something to say and a heartfelt story to tell:

Here is a set list from a show a few nights ago. The Springfield set was a bit different. I think it was shorter, and "Higher" was the last song before the encore...but it's enough to give you an idea of what the concert was like.

I wanted to post this quick 'n dirty style, so there is no music on my video. I apologize for not giving you a reprieve from my grating voice.

BUT--here are a few of the songs I mentioned:

What If-This was the third song of the night, and it was then I decided--this rocks. Eff the metalhead cred I've earned. I'm going to have a good time:

Jesus Was A Rock Star:

Hit Me More-Another Stapp solo song I'm digging:

Faceless Man-Fun times for this music-addicted nostalgia junkie. I had completely forgotten this Creed song existed. Yet the lyrics just came back to if on wings of raven-haired, deep-voiced angels:

The Gillioz Theatre is a really great asset to Springfield, and there are more exciting shows coming up. I plan on volunteering there the next two Saturdays...and any other time I can.  Unless it's a show I really want to make sure I attend. I already have tickets to see the Turnpike Troubadours there in August!

It's always been a dream of mine to actually have a career in the music industry. But being even a small part of a live event--taking tickets or whatever--is thrilling enough for me. I love music that much, and I'm happy I found a way to support great shows in my town.

Back to SS, On facebook, I promised my friend Tom that I would listen to some Anthrax soon, in an effort to earn back some of the "cool points" I lost rocking to "Higher" and "My Sacrifice."

But  I will not promise I won't bust out some Creed and Scott Stapp within the next few weeks.

Until next time--there is no shame in my game!

--Mrs. W.
